Completed your schooling? Then this the right time to decide your future! There are streams to choose and study, but you should be aware that you pick the best course that will certainly get you placed in the top companies with high salaries. As the course is important, the college that you choose is also important. Browse colleges that provide maximum placement and that assures practical skill programs to students. Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology is one of the Top colleges in Coimbatore providing excellent education to students. We provide placements and assist with the overall development of the students. We are also ranked as the best colleges in "The Week" and "India Today" Magazines. Do you know? The aeronautical field is now getting more recognition and various career opportunities. There is a huge demand for Aeronautical engineers. So taking up Aeronautical engineering courses from the best Aeronautical engineering colleges in Tamilna...